2007년 1월 29일 월요일

Spiritual/character goal

Grace Ban: January 29, 2007
Spiritual/ Character Goals

I have set three important goals for this semester. My new character goals are to be more responsible at school work and to be more dependable to others. My spiritual goal is to focus more during worship times.
Two skills that I’ll use to be a more responsible student is: be focused in class and listen, and get in the habit of studying even after I finish homework. By following these methods, I’ll naturally be much more responsible student who does school works successfully.
Having a characteristic of being a dependable person was always my dream and goal in life. In order to accomplish this, it’s important not to have a light mouth. Typical gossiping or talking of someone else would make this a hard goal to achieve. Another technique to carry this goal out is being more empathetic and compassionate towards others. Being sensitive and aware of the surrounding is an important skill to learn in becoming one step closer to a dependable person. The quote from the bible reads, “But I tell you; love your neighbor as yourself.”[NIV Mathew 22:39] This quote hints that by taking care of others like you would to yourself, it’ll prove that you’re someone who’s dependable.
Lastly, my new goal for spiritual life is to pay attention during Sunday worship. An important skill needed for this goal is sleeping well on Saturdays. That way, it’ll keep me accountable to be awake.
My new goals for this semester are important keys that open doors of opportunities for my future. By accomplishing these three goals, I’ll mature and improve as a student and a Christian.

2007년 1월 25일 목요일

My learning resolutions

Grace Ban
January 17th 2007
My Learning Resolutions

Writing 1.standards and benchmarks

Standard 1.Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process

Goal: I aim to get better at evaluating written papers.
Method: I would come in after school to get help from my teacher, or get other writings to practice this skill to get better at evaluating.

Standard 2.Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing

Goal: I plan on getting better at using precise and descriptive languages that clarifies my thesis statements in my writing.
Method: I would memorize 2-3 vocabularies each week or read couple of books in a month so that it will help me to know and understand better, how to write in many different kinds of situations.

Standard 3.Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions

Goal: I strive to get better at spelling words.
Method: I will achieve this goal by studying my past mistakes and by reading higher standards books. Carrying dictionaries will also be helpful for me.

Standard 4.Gathers and uses information for research purposes

Goal: I intend on getting better at picking out the most important information from papers, so that it will be easier for me to read it in short amount of time.
Method: I would practice on my own to understand the passage and look up words from internet dictionaries.

Weighted categories

Goal: I attempt to get better at picking out word choices
Method: I can study prior to the vocabulary quizzes and memorize words or look up synonyms in my spare time.